Tuesday, May 31, 2011

20 weeks

oy vey
although i can admit my ignorance about the actual definition of oy vey, that phrase seems the best description for what i'm feeling.
there's a certain ring to it that denotes exhaustion, whether its a physical exhaustion, or one that comes from an exhaustion of mental or emotional resources. I am feeling all three
don't get me wrong, the joy that comes with pregnancy rarely falters, i have yet to have a single moment where i am lamenting the fact that i am pregnant, but its hard work! ( duh)
As i start my 20th week i have decided this blog post is about as productive as i am going to get today
we worked hard emptying and tidying the basement this memorial day weekend getting ready for (yet another) basement border my mom lives with us and my brother is coming home too,(should be interesting come homebirth time)
and my pops dragged us to the zoo( where i swear we saw no less then 2 dozen preggos, maybe i missed a pregnant flash mob of some sort)
so my body is begging me not to do anything today
its my second trimester, the time when you just LOVE being pregnant, your energy comes back, you stop puking, you're finally showing instead of just looking like you ate a few too many doughnuts
but the multips i've talked to warned me, when you get past 3 the pregnancies get increasingly harder so i didnt hold particularly high hopes of having a glorious second trimester
but eek! i feel like i should be about to pop, except i'm only half way there
my hips
my back
my round ligaments
and whatever that ache is at the top of my pubis
i'll say it again
oy vey

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