Wednesday, July 20, 2011

i love being Pregnant

forgive me if this upsets those of you who may be miserable the whole time
becuase the potential is there, even with a normal healthy, relatively comfortable pregnancy. he potential is most certainly there to be absolutely miserable the entire time. I have often told women, its a pregnant womans perogative to be whiny, moody or to change her mind often. It goes with the territory.
BUT i love it anyway in all its awful, hemoroid, varicose vein, swollen, hot crabby glory. Every minute is a miracle, albeit an uncomforable one.
and I love it
i love every little bump and roll as his baby girl shifts and moves in my belly
i love watching my other childrens eyes light up as they feel the baby's movements as well
i love talking baby names ( apologies to those who have gotten locked into never-ending baby name discussions with me ;) especially my husby)
i love swinging this big belly around, and watching in awe ( and horror) as my veins grow and swell working hard to provide oxygen and nutrients to the rest of my enormously pregnant body.
I love thinking about my birth and what it will be like this time
i love thinking about what she might look like, and if I'll actually get a brunette this time, who's genes are strong enough to overturn my own aryan german heritage of flaxen haired blue eyed beauties
what she might be like ( passionate like her eldest sister? patient and observant like her older brother, or smiley and sneaky like her elder sister? or her very own blend of our family?)
most of all I love that time really does fly when you're having fun and I am having fun so this pregnancy is flying by and I'll get to meet my baby girl before I know it!

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